Where The World Goes For Signs


LED Message Centers

Electronic Message Centers (also known as LED Signs) have changed outdoor advertising substantially. They have allowed business owners, school districts, church organizations and just about any type of business the opportunity to change their messages on the fly. Because it is a computerized sign solution there are major benefits to investing in an Electronic Message Center:

• Change messages as often as you like 
• Full scheduling features (want your message seen Tuesdays from 3:45-4:00pm only?) 
• 5 year led and parts warranty from the manufacturer
• Free software and technical supports for the first five years of ownership
• Red or Amber (4096 shades) – same cost or even upgrade to full color ( 8.6 billion shades) 
• Many methods of communication depending on your needs 
• Lease vs. buying

EMCs allow an unlimited number of message changes and variable controls, all easily completed with a computer. The result is lower labor cost and elimination of the physical liabilities often associated with copy changes on traditional reader boards.

EMCs communicate variable messages as people pass by, allowing greater flexibility in communicating to the public. With their automated dimming and focusing systems, EMCs can respond to the visibility needs of the public, increasing safety and conspicuity day and night. The flexibility offered by EMCs means your business can advertise specials while also displaying public service information or other items of public interest.

These signs can quickly "brand" your business site in the local community.

EMCs are an investment in your business and provide the best and most cost-effective forms of paid advertising. The only form of advertising that may be more powerful is word of mouth (although it can be neither purchased nor controlled).

The effectiveness of an EMC is not limited by space or surface area constraints as with a reader-board. EMCs act as your "salesman on the street," attracting new customers to your business location. EMCs allow you to market your products and services to your immediate trade area and prevent wasteful advertising expenses.

The business owner can change the message as needed to provide information to specific retail customers, and can be used for political, social or community events. Software is available that enables a business owner to display sophisticated logos or images on the EMC precisely as planned.

In summary, Although a led sign does require a greater initial investment than other forms of advertising, electronic message centers offer many different advantages for the business owner to consider.